Tozi conducts just about any type of market research, from custom-designed projects, trackers, B2B web-based, PAPI, CAPI – whatever is appropriate and cost effective for the client.
We do them using quantitative, qualitative or a hybrid approach, suited to the decision problem.
We can give you meaningful input to help develop and enhance your advertising story to make it even more effective, and measure how well it is performing.
We’ll help you better understand of how consumers looks at your product or services, their ideals, and their unmet needs, and how you can improve your current offering. Also, it will be a rich source for innovative ideas.
We take you to meet and get know your consumer where they live, hang out or shop. At a deeper level, you learn about their everyday life and how they use product or services, and how they shop for specific brands.
Wearing a shopper’s hat, we visit and experience operations in shopping malls, banks, car showrooms, cosmetic counters – a reality check on actual operations and service quality.
We can test each any element off a brand mix, with qualitative or quantitative approach, for further refinement or for “GO or NO GO” decisions.
Using B2B and B2C approaches, we investigate the overall quality of the experience at each Customer Touch point, and obtain diagnostics on dissatisfaction, to help Clients improve their operations and keep customer happy.
We provide support for screening ideas, gauge its appeal and marketability of new product concepts, fragrances and formulation, and packaging etc. so you end up with a winning mix.